

Monthly Fitness Package

£ 32.00 p/m
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Fitness Classes


Back on Track


From 16/09/2022 to 16/12/2090

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A four week exercise programme with health tips, 30 minute daily workouts to be done Monday to Friday and two talks about you and your health. If you're looking to lose weight, tone up and have more energy then this is for you. You'll need some light hand weights for the workouts. All levels of fitness are catered for.

Crunchless Core


From 11/10/2022 to 31/12/2090

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A 45 minute workshop focussing on shifting weight around your midsection. Learn how to train your abs effectively, understand core training techniques, nutrition and best exercises.

7 Day Menopause Midsection Meltdown


From 20/10/2022 to 31/12/2090

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A 7 day programme focussing on the issues of Menopause and in particular midsection weight gain. Over the 7 days we'll focus on nutrition, stress, sleep and exercise. There are 7 tutorials and 7 different workouts all centred around the Menopause.

Weighted Workout Workshop


From 14/03/2023 to 14/03/2090

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Learn how to lift heavy weights effectively
Understand the training benefits of lifting heavy weights
Improve bone density, muscle mass and transform your body

Back to Healthy Habits


From 01/09/2023 to 31/12/2090

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A four week programme focussing on health and nutrition tips as well as exercise classes.

Seated Fitness


From 08/01/2024 to 02/02/2099

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Five 15 minute seated workouts suitable for all levels of fitness especially beginners and those with back, knee and hip mobility issues.

5 Day Abs Special


From 22/07/2024 to 02/02/2099

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5 x 30 minute workouts focussing on abdominal exercises and a 30 minute tutorial on how to beat mid section weight gain.

Black Friday Annual Membership


From 23/11/2024 to 02/12/2024

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Black Friday limited offer for a special annual membership price to Claire's Fitness